Shows to see

Helen Frankenthaler at MOMA

Helen Frankenthaler MOMA
I have learnt that in the USA the Labor Day week end happening on the first Monday of September marks the end of summer, which also means a beginning of new art season. So starting from next week – get ready for a bunch of new posts, information about new shows, gallery openings and social events. In a meantime I would like to finish summer with the image of a painting by Helen Frankenthaler which is part of MOMA collection and currently on display there on the 5th Floor. Continue reading


Pipilotti Rist at New Museum New York City

Pipilotti Rist Pipilotti Rist

Pipilotti Rist Pipilotti Rist

The name of Pipilotti Rist sounds hypnotic, psychedelic and ecstatic.  And this is how I would describe her exhibition in New Museum. Pipilotti makes me think of a word papillon in French – a butterfly. Butterfly who is close to nature, wears its part of femininity and might be very meditative and calming to look at.

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Cooper Hewitt design museum

mathias bengtsson cooper hewitt design museum  grotto print cooper hewitt design museum

Courage in my pocket on a rainy and windy afternoon I took direction to Museum Mile in Upper East Side. And since Guggenheim had a huge line because of an apparent interest to Agnes Martin exhibition, I went for plan B – Cooper Hewitt design museum. Housed in a magnificent mansion of beginning of 20th century, which had belonged to a magnate Andrew Carnegie, the museum is a real jewelry proposing diverse programming and interaction with the visitor.

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Daniel Buren & JR artist

Daniel Buren Fondation Louis Vuitton       JR artist pyramide du Louvre

What could possibly be in common between Daniel Buren & JR artist aside that they are both French? Daniel Buren is a well-established and having had a fabulous career 78 years old artist. While JR artist is 33, he comes from street art, his art is very trendy and his career is picking up like crazy (during his last year opening at Perrotin it was impossible to get into the gallery). Well, the common point is that they both decorated a famous art related building in Paris. Buren enlightened Foundation Louis Vuitton and JR artist took care of Pyramid of Louvre.

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