Marais galleries in March 2016

Markus Schinwald Marais galleries Markus Schinwald Marais galleries

Spring is On in Paris, sun is coming out, so it is a perfect time to see whatsup in Marais galleries and take temperature of contemporary art. I propose to walk you through 3 galleries in the area presenting 3 artists from Japan, Austria and Sweden.

I start with my favorite of the favorite galleries, that I can’t stop writing about Gallery Thaddeus Ropac which has just opened a show of an Austrian artist Markus Schinwald, pictures on the top of the post. There are painting, drawings and installation on 2 levels of the galleries, and the quality is at the level of a museum, with a free entrance on the top. I was amazed by the force and beauty of the images. On the first, I pictured an old painting with an add-on, a hello from Freud, an imaginary prosthesis. I read is as if our brain was replaced with a square box prothesis with a hole in the middle to allow for some speech. How about think out of the box?


Leiko Ikemura Marais galleries


Next comes neighbor gallery Karsten Greve and show by Leiko Ikemura. You can recognize that it is a Japanese and female artist. Her artistic univers is poetic, full of references, intertwining human bodies and nature. On the picture above, there is an earthernware sculpture of a women laying and listenning to the sound of the Earth. The sculpture itself makes think of the Earth: first of all it is made from terracotta and secondly women has a tear on its dress, a sort of a cave with its secrets and possibly endless underground chambers. And on the back there a painting representing mountains, ultimate and royal representation of our planet.


Jens Fange Marais galleries   Jens Fange Marais galleries

Finally, at just 5 minutes’ walk, rue de Turenne, one of my preferred streets in Paris, at Perrotin gallery, a mysterious show by Jens Fänge. The question I asked myself after visiting: Can someone manage to live your own life better than yourself? I believe this is why it is important to go and see contemporary art, is that it allows you to think and ask yourself such questions. Contemporary artists replaced philosophers now days, they see the world differently and try to send us a visual messages.

There are so many other Marais galleries to visit. I’m bringing 2 friends with me next week end to show them around and try to find other messages. And if you need any advices or information on what is on in Marais – leave a comment and I will recommend.


If you like this post, please read also about other shows in Paris



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