Xavier Veilhan, one of the leading French artists, made a brilliant film Vent Moderne [Modern Wind], glorifying architecture, geometry, man and nature.
What I like about video and art films – is that they give you a large field to train your imagination and your ability to interpret chains of images. This is what you could fully expect from VENT MODERNE. Villa Noailles situated in the South of France is a perfect decoration for the film. This villa was built almost 100 years ago and from my perspective is still more modern than even. Villa was hosting many avant-garde artists in the first half of 20th century and it still keeps their spirits and inspires artists. Many Ray had realized a surrealistic film taking place in Villa Noailles and funny enough Xavier Veilan dialogues with Man Ray through VENT MODERNE by using same shapes (cars, black spheres, men and women doing their exercising).
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