Art Spring in London

Andy Warhol   Rene Magritti

Art Spring in London is extremely exciting and colorful. I propose my selection, which you can easily do over one day. Botticelli reimagined at Victoria & Albert museum, Jeff Koons at Newport street gallery and Pablo Bronstein in Tate Britain.  Plenty of choice.

I think Botticelli reimagined exhibition is not to be missed. You will find there around 50 works of Sando Botticelli, but also works of artistes which were inspired by him. The first image on the top is from Andy Warhol – subliminal reproduction of Venus Birth with much known Warhol colors. What a nice idea to give Venus rose color skin. The second image is my favorite I think from all the London trip: Rene Magritte. This time Venus is painted on a man’s back. We do not see the man’s face, we just see him in a classical suit and hat, while Venus appears as an inspiration, maybe alter-ego or the opposite, a back-up or just simply a dream.

Jeff Koons  Newport gallery   Jeff Koons

Next place I’m going to talk about is Newport street gallery, which has just opened last year. It is situated slightly out of the center, but you can get there easily. It is a funny neighborhood, Vauxhall, very industrial and calm at the same time. The point of attraction for this gallery is that the owner is a very well-known super-star artist Damian Hirst. And the interesting thing is that his gallery exposes another super-star artist Jeff Koons. The entry is free by the way and the quality of artworks worse museum exhibition. The pieces inside are mostly well known, however there is one piece which I think is new, because no photos were allowed. It represented a rose bowl with white eggs in it. And it was supposed to be erotic (it was), because just next to it there is a very pornographic photo is his ex-wife Cicciolina, aka porno star.

                 Pablo Bronstein    Pablo Bronstein

Finally, on a slightly different register – Pablo Bronstein made an installation and produced a live performance in Tate Britain. Good news is that the entry is for free also, and the performance runs all day long, you will have all chances to get it. It was a commission from the museum and Pablo succeeded well, it is great idea to bring live into museum, where generally speaking there are often only finished artworks. It is kind of meditative experience to see professional dancers running baroque style movements, following lines white marks on the floor, making passing by visitors stop and look. Do not miss it.




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